Happy New Year! 2022 is here already, waiting to be filled with new plans and projects, fresh inspiration, good books, and lots of embroidery! If you’ve read my last post, then you know how much I love making lists and planning and writing down resolutions.

I used to read the Dear Canada books a lot when I was younger, which are written as a diary from the heroine’s perspective. In Brothers Far From Home, the heroine finds her older sister’s list of New Year Resolutions, and after dutifully scoffing at it, proceeds to write her own in her journal. It stuck with me that they didn’t just make one resolution, but a whole list of them! I loved the idea so much that I took to it and have been writing my own list in my journal ever since. I make separate sections for actual resolutions, goals, and things I’d like to try.
Over the years though, I’ve found that writing down too many resolutions can be very disappointing since it’s hard to stick to them all. I like having the flexibility and the challenge of making more than one, but now I try to focus on fewer and doing them well.
I take a similar approach when it comes to craft projects, although my to-do list is always off the charts. I’m trying to accept the fact that I have too many ideas and not enough time. So this year I want to prioritize things that really bring me joy and that I’m inspired to work on. Here’s a list of plans & projects I’d love to accomplish this year:
Plans & Projects for 2022
Finish my 1860’s Ballgown Project

Oh, it would be such a dream to finally finish this dress! For those that don’t know, I was in a Costume Studies program at university. Our senior year’s final project was to re-create a gown from a fashion plate or portrait from the years 1867-69. Mine is based on the plate above. Unfortunately, the semester was cut short due to lockdown at the time, and I never finished the dress. I’m so close though! All I have left is to cut and sew the bodice, and then add the lace and other decorative finishing touches.
Why then has in been left in a box for nearly two years? Good question. Mainly because I’ve had inadequate space and equipment to work on it, but also because I just…never felt like it. I intend to change that this year though. The goal is to finish it in time for summer so I can take pretty pictures outside. I really look forward to sharing the final garment with you!
Sew More Clothes
Last year I really focused on embroidery, and while I did some light-sewing here and there, I didn’t sew many garments. I have a few skirts and dresses in my WIP pile that I really hope to finish, and I promised I’d make my mom a new winter skirt, so I’ll have to get sewing! I also hope to combine embroidery with dressmaking a bit more this year, so I might just need to add a new category for all these projects here on the blog. 😉 Would that be something to interest you?
Learn Needlepoint

I don’t need any more hobbies, but I want a new hobby. Although, since needlepoint is so similar to cross-stitch, does it really count as a new hobby? My resolution should really be to finish any and all existing cross-stitches I’ve already started, but no, I’ve a fancy to try needlepoint instead. The thing is, I’ve already started to plan this project and I’m too excited to start. I’ll be covering an antique sewing box top with a beautiful Victorian flower design.
I bought the pattern on Etsy, and while the instructions are for cross-stitch, I’ll be working it in needlepoint instead, to copy the Berlin woolwork style that was so popular in the Victorian era. I received the thread I need for it for Christmas – pictured above, beautifully packaged by mom – and will use Aida cloth for fabric. I’m honestly so excited about this project, I might start it right now!
Master the Basics of Crochet
I started learning how to crochet in 2020, but never practice long enough to really achieve anything. I go too long without picking up my hook and yarn, and feel like I need to re-learn the basics every time! This year, I hope to stick to it long enough to complete a nice project or two. I find it extremely relaxing, more so than embroidery, and perfect to do while watching a good movie. If anyone has any great beginner crochet tutorials or books they know of, please drop them below! I’ve been watching Bella Coco Crochet on Youtube and love her style.
Reading List

Since I shared my top reads of 2021 in my previous post, I thought I’d also share the top books that are on my TBR for this year! I’m a very moody reader and never quite know what I’ll be inclined to pick up next, but I’ve had these on my radar for many months now:
All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot
I mainly have the lovely Gracie over at Austens & Alcotts to thank for bumping this one up the list, since she spoke so highly of it and wrote such endearing posts on it. I saw the wonderful Season 1 of the newest TV adaptation and absolutely loved it, but I’m not sure I’d be as eager to read the book if I hadn’t been so inspired by Gracie’s words. As it is, I can’t wait to read it and am thinking of ordering myself a copy!
Howard’s End by E.M. Forster
Again, I’m being heavily influenced by Gracie 😉. This is one of those books that I’ve seen so many people read and love last year, that I really want to join the party! I saw a film adaptation of it a while back and really enjoyed it. The book blurb definitely sounds like something I would enjoy, and there’s apparently a delightful mini-series to watch too!
Little Men by Louisa May Alcott
I’m always in the mood for Alcott around this time of year, and although I’ve a strong inclination to revisit Little Women, I’d like to read Little Men too! I remembered that I own a copy of it while I was in the middle of something the other day, and since then I’ve only been thinking about it. If I don’t end up reading it, I’d at least like to read something new by Alcott. I listened to An Old-Fashioned Girl last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m eager to discover more by this amazing author!
And this concludes my list of plans & projects for 2022! I will probably end up deviating from my list as I always do, but I tried to keep it shorter this year and set goals that are a bit more achievable. Of course, there’s a lot more I want to do and time does have a tendency to just fly by, but I intend to make good use of what time I am given and seek to cultivate a grateful heart.
Thank you for being here, friends! I’d love to know about your own resolutions or plans. How would you like to be creative this year? What’s on your reading list? I’d love to chat with you about it!
Warmest wishes for the New Year,